State-owned firms dominate infrastructure sectors including transportation, energy, electricity, construction and steel. 在交通运输、能源、电力、建筑和钢铁等基础设施行业中,国有企业都占据着主导地位。
Construction of steel fiber sprayed concrete in large underground rooms; 探讨在原衬砌加喷钢纤维喷射混凝土的方法。
The strength of the real-estate market directly affects the construction steel concrete power and appliance industries. 房地产市场景气与否直接影响到建筑、钢铁、水泥、电力和家电行业。
Research on the mechanical properties and microstructures of hot-rolled low yield ratio and high heat input welding construction steel 热轧低屈强比大线能量焊接建筑钢力学性能与组织研究
Corrosion Cause and Protection Measures of Thermal Power Plant Construction Steel Structure 火电厂建筑钢结构的腐蚀原因及防护措施
Specification for design and construction of steel fiber reinforced concrete structures Code for design of MDF engineering 钢纤维混凝土结构设计及施工规程中密度纤维板工程设计规范
Design and Construction of Steel Boxed Cofferdam for Elevated Pile Caps in Deep Water and on Uncovered Rock Bed 深水裸岩高桩承台钢吊箱设计与施工
We cannot sell anything, says a trader of construction steel based in Inner Mongolia. 我们什么也卖不动,一位内蒙古建筑用钢材交易商表示。
Technical standard for construction of steel piping in petrochemical industry 石油化工钢制管道工程施工工艺标准
It is obviously very hard to say from just a few photos, but it does look as if some of those school buildings used little construction steel, says a Shanghai-based architect who asked not to be named. 一名要求匿名的上海建筑师表示:从几张照片要得出结论显然是很难的,但看上去某些学校的楼房几乎没有采用建筑钢材。
Methods for monitoring construction of steel interlayer structure in existing building indoor 既有建筑室内钢结构夹层施工的监控方法
Construction of Steel Structure Fireproof Coating in Main Building of CCTV New Station CCTV新址主楼钢结构防火涂料施工
The problems of design and construction of steel inclined arch supported on concrete columns 混凝土柱顶上钢斜梁拱的设计与施工问题
A Construction Steel Bar Matching Algorithm Based On Simplex Method 基于单纯形方法的建筑钢筋配料算法
In this article, authors state design and construction of steel tubular scaffold with couplers adopted in an ultra-large awning. 介绍了特大雨蓬采用的扣件式钢管承重支撑架的设计与施工。
This project provided very good example for the construction of steel structure of large henceforth abnormity. 本工程为今后大型异形钢结构的施工提供了很好的范例。
The design and construction of steel lattice pile tower crane basis of Zhengzhou display hotel; 通过工程实例介绍钢管格构柱在高支撑、大荷载钢筋混凝土结构施工中的应用。
According to type of construction, buildings are classified into timber construction, steel construction, reinforced concrete construction, etc. 建筑物就其构造类型而言,可以分为木构造,钢构造,钢筋混凝土构造等等。
Mechanical properties at elevated temperature and fire endurance of fire-resistant and weathering construction steel; 利用透射电子显微镜对高性能耐火耐候建筑用钢中的第二相析出进行了观察和分析。
Analysis on development tendency of coatings for environmental protection construction steel structure 环保型建筑钢结构涂料发展形势分析
An Investigation of Oxyacetylene Pressure Welding of Construction Steel Bars 建筑用钢筋加压对焊的试验研究
Combining with two examples of engineering design, the text explores the structure systems of multistory civil construction steel structure, analyzing and comparing many schemes, to provide dependable design basis for determining the analogous construction structure schemes. 结合二项工程设计实例,经多方案的分析比较,探讨了多层民用建筑钢结构的结构体系,为类似建筑物结构方案的确定提供了可靠的设计依据。
Research on refractory performance of new type construction steel 新型建筑用钢耐火性能研究
Strain Measurement in Construction Steel Bar Using a FBG Sensor Coated by a Thin Metal Tube 金属管封装光纤光栅用于建筑钢筋应变的测量
The problems and suggestions of implement the standard in construction steel 我国建筑用钢标准实施中存在的问题与建议
Study on Microstructure of High Performance Fire-resistant and Weathering Construction Steel 高性能耐火耐候建筑结构用钢的显微组织研究
The standards improvement of GB 714-2000 construction steel for bridge GB714-2000桥梁用结构钢标准水平大幅度提高
Analysis of crack produced in automatic SAW welding test of high-perfect fire-resistant and weathering resistant construction steel 高性能耐火耐候建筑用钢自动埋弧焊焊评试验中的裂纹分析